
iHCPL - Next Gen Sound #25 - To Burn or Not To Burn

So in exercise #25, we need to burn a CD. TO be honest, I'm having technical difficulties with Windows Media Player right now, but have burned CDs in the past. Usually, it's very easy to burn a CD - you just insert a CD, and select what you want to put on it and voila, you have a CD.

I just don't use CDs anymore if I have a choice. In the car, for audio books, I prefer an MP3 player because you don't get skipping (usually), which sometimes happens with CDs. If I'm listening to music at work, I much prefer an MP3 player - or an online play list to CDs or radio.

As to music online, I think open access (with some limitations) is preferred. For example, Songza, which I mentioned in my last post lets you find music and listen to it online. In my case, I own some of the music I'm listening to and I might find other things I like. If I like it enough, I'm going to buy a copy for myself. It's a case of try before you buy. Several studies have shown that sharing is not really detrimental to purchasing - in fact in some case it helps it.

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