
iHCPL - Next Gen Spring Cleaning #28 - Ack! Clutter

In our first exercise for Spring Cleaning - #28 - we're learning about general organization. I actually use some of the GTD principles already, especially with email. In email, I use my Inbox as a to-do list, I know not the best idea, but it works for me. I triage my email by doing quick replies when I can and flagging items I need to work on or need to get back to later. Things I need to keep go into folders.

As for to-do lists, I actually prefer the old fashioned note. I've recently started using a 3x5 card system, which works for me. I need to have my to-do items smack in front of me, which is why online systems haven't worked. I have fiddled around with some group online systems, but even those I don't really like.

Overall, I'm pretty organized electronically and in paper format. I do welcome this module, as it gives me an excuse to go through everything.

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