Well, I have to say that I am not in love with Texting, but then I'm not really a phone person in general. I can text and have done so - I certainly find it easier with a QWERTY keyboard on my phone.
1. Yes, I have sent a few text messages. I can do it on a standard phone as well as using a QWERTY keyboard.
2. During Ike, I did send and receive several text messages.
3. I use some text lingo - it is easier. I had one phone where I tried to text message and it tried to be overly helpful in "predicting" words I was going to use. I finally gave up because it wouldn't let me type what I wanted.
4. I have never texted while I was driving and don't plan to do so. I think it would be impossible to drive and text at the same time. I know there are people who do it, but frankly I think they're an accident waiting to happen.
iHCPL #57: Texting
iHCPL #56: Twitter
To Tweet or not to tweet, that is the post. I joined Twitter about a month ago. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I am currently following about 8 or 9 people (actually, it's apparently 18 - LOL & I have 9 people following me, which is weird) including people I know as well as a couple of celebrities. I do like Wil Wheaton and get a kick out of sockington - a cat who twitters. I'm just not sure if I totally enjoy having yet another thing to follow.
I mostly installed it as an easy way to update my Facebook status (I linked my Twitter to Facebook). I also installed the Add on for Firefox called TwitterFox. That certainly makes it easy to follow people as I have a little "T" at the bottom of my Firefox browser letting me know if there are any new Tweets.
1. I don't know if I have a particular topic I want to tweet about. I generally just do a status update. I am still exploring how I am going to use Twitter.
2. I tried a couple of different searches - Vampire Fiction and Wood Turning and didn't really see anything that popped out. Right now, I will probably continue to find people I want to follow by looking for references from other people.
iHCPL #55: Facebook
Well, since I wrote this post, I'm just going to go through the exercises.
1. I've had a Facebook account since we did social networking back in the original iHCPL.
2. At this point, I have 100+ friends. I actually just added a friend yesterday that someone had suggested to me. I do regularly review suggestions, although some of them can be odd (e.g. I have NO desire to be "friends" with Mayor Bill White)
3. I've become much more selective recently in adding applications. My favorites are: My Fairyland, Vampire Wars, Mousehunt, Pet Pupz, and Cute Catz. Since Facebook's redesign, I have come to hate applications that post multiple times to the home page. For example, Peeps was really bad about this.
4. I have recently reduced my use of Facebook. I used to be on all the time. Now, I am usually on for a little while when I get home to play with my favorite apps and check in with my friends. Then I'm off.
Overall, I love Facebook. It's let me connect and reconnect with a variety of different people from all aspects of my life from Elementary School up through HCPL folks. Very cool.