
iHCPL - Next Gen Sound #27 - Be Your Own Radio Station

I actually helped test this, so my Gabcast recordings are up on the right hand side of my blog. I found Gabcast extremely easy to use! Once my account was set up, all I had to do was phone it in. Now if I could just be interesting. I don't see myself getting into podcasting, it just doesn't interest me to do this. I don't subscribe to podcasts either. I'm a much more visual person, which is why I'm surprised at how much I like audio books.

Even though I am not a podcast fan, it doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people who are and I'm excited about some of the things we're going to try for the eBranch. One branch has already started podcasting and I hope more will try it. There are other things on the horizon with podcasting as well, which we'll hopefully reveal in the next few weeks.

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