
Week 6: #15 The Future of Libraries & the Web

L I B r A R Y 2 Period 0
I have read a lot about Web 2.0 & Library 2.0 prior to iHCPL and fell that I have fully embraced both concepts. I really liked the iceberg article. I think Anderson makes some good points. One of the things that we're doing with iHCPL is training our customers as well as our staff, which I think is what we need to do more of. While we need to learn these tools, our customers do as well. We also need to go to them. In a Web 2.0 sense this is using social tools such as Flickr, YouTube, IM, etc. rather than making them use library geared services.

I also really like the Librarian 2.0 Manifesto. I think we should adopt something like this within HPCL. iHCPL is a great beginning to this type of thinking and what I've seen on other blogs, this is beginning to happen, we just need it to continue.

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